Bruce Hoffman
Bruce comes with 31 years of law enforcement experience and has an extensive background in emergency vehicle operator training. Bruce is uniquely qualified to provide consultation and training to agencies & organizations throughout the region. Following is an outline of relevant experience:
- The last 26 years with Oregon State Police, retiring in February 2005.
- 21 Years in Patrol Division - 1978-2000
- 12 Years as a Patrol Supervisor - 1986-1998
- 5 Years Skills Training Sergeant - 2000-2005, Responsible for:
- Emergency Vehicle Operations, Patrol Tactics, and Defensive Tactics.
- 9 Years EVOC Instructor - 1996-2005 for OSP & DPSST
- Instructor in TVI/PIT & Skid Car Training
- Instructor for DPSST EVOC Instructor's school - July 2002
- DPSST-Certified instructor in: Emergency Vehicle Operations,
- Tactical Vehicle Intervention, Patrol Tactics, Use of Force, Verbal Judo,
- Critical Incident Training, Field Training & Evaluation Program.