Ken McGinnis, MS, EFO, EMT-P
Division Chief
Winston Dillard Fire District
Winston, Oregon
"Tactical Response Academy's training was great. Everyone in my organization, from the 35+ year veteran to our newest probationary employee, came away with something from both the classroom and simulator portions of the training. -read more
Paul Hoff
Simulator & Training Specialist
Texas Association of Counties
Preliminary Results Simulator Based TRAining to Reduce Costs.
Does simulator based training really work? This may depend upon your company or agency's expectations. If you want to have an expensive "toy" for the employees to play with you probably will not achieve much success. -read more
Terrence Godchaux
Alameda County Sheriffs Office
EVOC Coordinator
Use of FAAC Simulators
About 7 years ago, Penal Code section 13519.8 was introduced into law to mandate several perishable skills to be taught on a regular basis, which included EVOC. -read more